05 Jul It’s All Good
I missed it. There was an opportunity of a lifetime in front of me and I just flat out missed it.
I moved to Dallas, Texas to attend a bible college called Christ For the Nations Institute (CFNI). While living in Dallas I was a vocalist at a church in Arlington, Texas where one of the most well known names in Latin Christian music pastored. I won’t flesh out the whole story on how I arrived at that church to spare you the extra lengthy read. But what I will tell you is that God was faithful to complete His promise. It was one of those “it’s too good to be true” moments in my life.
I was in my last year at CFNI. It was what I deemed to be “The Glory Year.” But from one day to the next my life completely changed. The enemy came like a thief in the night and almost devoured my family. Evil was gnawing at my home and I no longer had the strength or will to fight back.
I walked away from the church. I walked away from the dreams God placed on my heart. I walked away from purpose.
Later that year I would learn that the vocalists from the church in Arlington would be asked to be a part of the live album recording that would later go on to be nominated for a Latin Grammy.
There was not one night I didn’t cry myself to sleep. I was angry at the situation and the enemy, but most of all, I was angry with myself. “You are so stupid!”, was what I would repeatedly play in my mind. God had literally handed me my heart’s desires on a silver platter, and I spat in His face and walked away. Completely distraught, I cried out to Him, “I missed it!”
Are you someone that has said to yourself, “I missed it.”? Have your God given dreams been crushed by mistakes that where birthed from difficult situations? Do you feel like it is too late for you in the game and God has moved on to someone else? If so, this is for you.
“You may have missed the turn, but you have not missed your destination.”
Romans 8:28 tells us:
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
This was my anthem of hope that carried me through my toughest season. My hope is that my mistake would not only be used for my good but also for yours. Remember these 3 things:
1. It’s all heart
We see in Romans 8:28 that this promise is for those “who love God”. The greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart…” Love will always overcome. It’s simple for us. Keep loving Jesus.
2. It’s all good.
God has a purpose and plan for each of our lives. The choices we make determine how we walk that purpose. Like I said earlier, just because you missed the turn doesn’t mean you’ve missed your destination. He works ALL things together for our good. He always gives beauty for ashes.
3. It’s all you.
It’s up to you! God won’t make the choice for you. If you have walked away from God, make a 180 turn and start walking back in the right direction with love. You are called. It is His purpose in YOU that is waiting to be fulfilled.
The Sunday after having moved back to Odessa, Texas, I was offered a full-time position as Worship Director for Mid-Cities en Español. November 2, 2014 was my first day as a full-time employee. I will never have enough words to describe His perfect timing, grace, mercy, love and faithfulness.
A few months later I received the overwhelming news that I would be a part of Mid-Cities Worship’s first live album. I translated 3 songs from the album Hands to the Sky. I had the honor of recording one of those three songs called Eres lo que Busco, a Spanish version of Every Nation’s All I’m After.
This is the beauty of God’s unconditional love meeting our choice to overcome. This is a testament of His faithfulness and our obedience that comes after our failures. He takes all of our mistakes and turns them into masterpieces.
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